Letter from the President

At the heart of what we do as individuals, as a team, and as a company is to help people. If you don’t like people or don’t like helping people, then this business is not for you. The satisfaction in our life’s work doesn’t come from the money we make or the success we achieve or the rewards or recognition that we might receive.

It comes from asking ourselves everyday “What can we do to make our clients and their family or business lives better today than it was yesterday? “Something that we could add that people would genuinely love. Something that we did that could matter in their life when we are gone. This is our purpose. This is why we are here. This is the reason we come to work.

As Stonewall’s President, it is my ultimate responsibility to you our clients and our team members to ensure that the advice that we give is always in your best interest and that our code of conduct to you is beyond reproach.

Our clients depend on us for honesty and transparency. Our success as a business is tied to the success of the clients like you that we serve. Investing is difficult. Business is complicated. Accountability for our decisions is not. You’ve either done the right thing or you’ve done the wrong thing. It is that simple.

There are no shades of gray when it comes to corporate ethics. Ethical failure equals corporate failure. YOU and your success are our business. We remind ourselves daily of this in every action and decision and advice that we give or make for you, your family or your business.

Without your trust and confidence there would be no business.

We thank you for choosing Stonewall Asset Management, Inc.

Michael F. Mulling
President-Stonewall Asset Management. Inc.
Registered Principal
Raymond James Financial Services

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